Friday, December 4, 2009

spotlight on: abby trammel

well after a two-week hiatus, it is time to announce the o-house member of the week. this week’s lovely winner is none other than abby trammel. now there are lots and lots of reasons that abby is the o-house member of the week, but for the sake of time i’m just going to list ten, sort of david letterman style, if you will.

10. abby has the best nails of any girl i know.

9. abby trammel is very generous in giving her roommates manis/pedis, even when their (our) nails are totally disgusting. bethany brabec, i’m talking about you.

8. abby is also great at hair, make-up and fashion consultation. she’s probably the reason everyone else in the house is so pretty and why boys are always trying to date us.

7. abby is always willing to watch reality television with you. always.

6. abby has THE cutest niece ever. and she is nice enough to show us pictures on a regular basis.

5. abby really likes the following: kool-aid, lunchables, bagel bites, and dr. pepper. attention third graders everywhere: hide your lunches from abby.

4. abby shares the title of “co-MVP of o-house kitchen clean-up” with keira masters. sidenote: rounding out the top three vote getters was andrew crandall.

3. abby just got a car this year and loves driving everywhere. and the other o-house girls love being driven around, especially to class.

2. abby trammel has a commanding lead in the unofficial (okay, official) o-house race to the altar. and i do mean a commanding lead. some of us haven’t even left the starting blocks.

1. abby’s birthday was last Sunday. the o-house celebrated in style with a slight twist on our traditional surprise birthday party, meaning that we met her at huhot rather than waiting around the o-house for hours with blankets on our heads. abby’s was possibly the FIRST successful surprise party that we have thrown, in the sense that she was genuinely surprised.

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